Wednesday, October 30, 2013


For years I have seen peoples illustrations of bikes everywhere; paintings in coffee shops, restaurants, in museums, etc. However, I never realized how incredibly hard and complex a bike is to draw! For our first project of the year, Mrs. Kick surprised us with a bike in the middle of the room set up on a table.  As surprised as we were, she through us a curve ball as well, and told us to draw the bike while using composition. My first drawings looked like this:

Thankfully, we were able to redeem ourselves when she told us we would picking an angle of the bike we would like to draw, and I chose this one:

And then, the venture of shading began to take place. As graphite is my favorite and most practiced medium, I jumped right in. I love working with the different variations of pencils, especially when you have to apply different amounts of pressure to gain the desired effect. Here is a short journey of the bike drawings progress;

Honestly, as challenging and irritating the bike was at first, I actually ended up enjoying drawing it in the end. I absolutely love the way it turned out, and I’m glad I took on the challenge of including lots of spokes and a not-so-easy angle, it turned out pretty cool!

Here is the finished product;

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