Friday, January 20, 2012

Portrait Time!

During the second marking period we had been working on Temper - Botique self portraits. Now, i usually draw nature type things, preferring to stay away from humans in general. When Mrs. Kiick first announced we were doing self portraits, my heart dropped. I had little to no experience with humans, let alone myself!

During the sketching phases I took forever erasing and drawing, erasing and drawing to get lines, and probably would have kept going on like that forever if i was not forced to sharpie the lines and make it final. This was least favorite part, because i fear things that are permanent and cannot be fixed in the art world, which is way i often prefer photoshop.

Anyway, Here is how it progressed;

Here is the beginning stages. This was after i used sharpie around the outside to get ready for paint. In this stage it looks like me.

Here is my practice painting. I only got to do one because I take forever to do anything and by the time i was done it was time to begin painting the big portrait (scary). I guess I like how this turned out. I feel like it looks nothing like me and has many obvious errors; but oh well.

This was beginning to paint! I don't think it looks like me, but oh well! I think the nose is way off and thats what bothers me. :/

The end! Im actually pretty pleased with how it turned out, although I took off like a TON of paint, I decided not to add too much colored pencil. The nose is still very off, but other than that I nailed the eyes, which are my favorite.

Practice makes perfect!

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